Guide Tiina

Vanhanpappilantie 4b asunto 5, 52100 Anttola ja Taiga -tila - metsän tyttären luontokoti / rakokiventie 270 Puumala
52100 Anttola

Explore the magic of Saimaa outdoors that has soothed and inspired people for thousands of years. Feel the healing powers of beautiful lakes, forests, prehistorical rocks and wildlife under the Northern Star by using your own body. See the Saimaa Ringed Seal and the richness of the Saimaa Nature. Every moment has its own mood and every season opens a new possibility to explore the purest Saimaa nature. Our services: -Paddling /Canoe rental and Paddling safaris — basecamp in Anttola harbor and -Geological sightseeing in the Wilderness centre Pienniemi with huge geological rocks of Haukka, Puumala. The touching of lifetime of mythological history of Finnish tree people. -School camps, lakeside trips and tailormade Taiga-Hikes Safaris for example overnight under the Northern Star -Hiking to the roots of the forest folk -Forest trips with berry, herbs and mushroom picking -Biking: Tour de Saimaa/Lietvesi archipelago -WinterSaimaa: snowshoe-, ski- and icesafaris