
Leikonrannantie 66b
54920 Taipalsaari

RetkiSaimaa is a company based in Taipalsaari. We offer nature services in South Karelia on the shores of Lake Saimaa. The company was founded out of love and appreciation for our country`s nature. Nature is particularly important to us and we feel enormous pride in the uniqueness of the pearl of our region and Finland`s largest lake, Lake Saimaa. The company has participated in Visit Finland`s Sustainable Travel Finland training in 2020. Lake Saimaa`s pure nature is unique and respecting it is the most important of our values. All our activities are based on responsibility. Our trips are litter-free, which means that we remove everything that we have taken there from the terrain. We prefer local destinations in our operations in order to keep the emissions from moving from one place to another as low as possible. On our trips, we use the ready-made path and hiking route network, thus reducing unnecessary wear and tear on the land. We remind customers of every-mans-rights, which includes not only rights but also responsibility. We use local products and cooperate with other local companies. We work in cooperation with the South Karelia recreation area foundation and Saimaa Geopark. We rent camping equipment to customers. Renting equipment and tools is a good alternative to unnecessary consuming and contributes to sustainable development. All our customers are equally important to us and we treat you equally. Maintaining professional skills and training guarantee a safe nature experience for our customers.