Korven Korsi company

Särkivaarantie 13, 82830 Haukivaara
82830 Haukivaara

Korven Korsi company is runned by Jehki Potkonen and it is located in Ilomantsi. During spring time Korven Korsi produces high quality seedlings and company is specialized with veggies and herbs, which are growth without any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Natural way is high ranked aim of Korven Korsi and we do our best to reach it in our missions. You can find Korven Korsi seedlings in Joensuu marketplace from May to mid summer. Korven Korsi produces also veggies and herbs, which has enjoyed only compost and manure for food. Many other tasks has done during a year also. Jehki Potkonen and Korven Korsi take part of other activities around local food in Northern Karelia area. Check also Maaseutuyhdistys Sydänlanka ry, Lähiruokaa Vaaroilta ry and Joensuun lähi- ja luomuruokapiiri.